I bought an iPhone X and I mostly use it to take pictures of my girlfriend’s dog.
I upgraded my phone recently to the iPhone X because the battery life on my 6 was going to hell and I wanted a shiny new toy.
I wasn’t expecting the phone to change my life or anything — it is only a phone after all, not a cure for what ails us as a society. As an online retail analyst, I figured I was going to use the phone to test out retailers’ newfangled ways of reaching shoppers.
Instead, I mostly use it to take pictures of my girlfriend’s dog.
This is Roxanne. She is a very good two year old golden doodle. You see, it turns out that portrait mode on the new iPhone is quite good for taking pictures of dogs. Case in point, here is Roxanne and her new friend Stubs.
Those are two very good dogs!
And here is Roxanne checking out her reflection in the window of a Chipotle.
I am sure the new iPhone is capable of doing any number of other wondrous things of which I’m unaware, but right now I’m quite content to use it mostly to take puppy pictures because the world needs more puppy pictures.